~[Naruto School Life]~



Создатель - Lina

Администраторы - Temari, Kitoroko

Модератор - Sasuke
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Японские имена

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Очень часто при регистрации неканонного персонажа, возникают трудности с выбором имени. В этой теме я вам помогу определиться.
Напоминаю, что в японии есть свои произношения буквосочетаний. Как например tsu читается как ц.
Приведу пример на своем старом нике - Tatsuki. В идеальном произношении, он произносится как Тацке.

А вот буквы Ч в японском языке вообще не существует. Как например Choe (бабочка) читается не как Чое, а как Тё.

Если возникли проблемы с произношением - обратитесь ко мне, и я помогу разобраться, угу.

Все имена взяты с сайта Behind the Name.



Мужские имена.

AKIO   昭夫, 昭男, 昭雄   
From Japanese 昭 (aki) "bright" combined with 夫 (o) "husband, man", 男 (o) "male" or 雄 (o) "hero, manly".

AKIRA   昭, 明, 亮   
From Japanese 昭 "bright", 明 "bright" or 亮 "clear".

AOI   葵, 碧     
From Japanese 葵 "hollyhock, althea" or 碧 "blue".

ARATA   新   
Means "fresh, new" in Japanese.

AYUMU   歩夢   
From Japanese 歩 (ayu) "walk" and 夢 (mu) "dream, vision".

DAICHI   大地, 大智   
From Japanese 大 (dai) "large, great" combined with 地 (chi) "earth, land" or 智 (chi) "wisdom, intellect".

DAIKI   大輝, 大樹, 大貴   
From Japanese 大 (dai) "large, great" combined with 輝 (ki) "radiance", 樹 (ki) "tree" or 貴 (ki) "valuable, noble".

DAISUKE   大輔   
From Japanese 大 (dai) "large, great" and 輔 (suke) "help".

Variant transcription of GOROU

From Japanese 五 (go) "five" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

Variant transcription of HACHIROU

From Japanese 八 (hachi) "eight" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

From Japanese 陽 "sun, sunlight", 春 "spring" or 晴 "clear up".

HARUKI   晴輝, 陽生   
From Japanese 晴 (haru) "clear up" or 陽 (haru) "sun, sunlight" combined with 輝 (ki) "radiance, shine" or 生 (ki) "life".

HARUTO   陽斗, 遥斗, 陽翔, 晴斗   
From Japanese 陽 (haru) "sun, sunlight", 遥 (haru) "distant" or 晴 (haru) "clear up" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to the constellation Ursa Major, or 翔 (to) "soar, fly".

HAYATE   颯   
Means "smooth" in Japanese.

HAYATO   隼人   
From Japanese 隼 (haya) "falcon" and 人 (to) "person".

HIBIKI   響   
Means "echo, sound" in Japanese.

HIDEAKI   英明   
From Japanese 英 (hide) "excellent" and 明 (aki) "bright".

HIDEKI   秀樹, 英樹   
From Japanese 秀 (hide) "esteem, excellence" or 英 (hide) "excellent" combined with 樹 (ki) "tree".

HIDEYOSHI   秀良, 秀吉   
From Japanese 秀 (hide) "esteem, excellence" combined with 良 (yoshi) "good" or 吉 (yoshi) "good luck"... [more]

HIKARU   光, 輝 
From Japanese 光 "light" or 輝 "radiance".

HINATA   向日葵, 陽向 
From Japanese 向日葵 "sunflower" or 陽向 "facing the sun"... [more]

HIRAKU   拓   
Means "expand, open, pioneer" in Japanese.

HIROSHI   寛, 浩   
From Japanese 寛 "tolerant, generous" or 浩 "prosperous".

HIROTO   大翔, 博斗   
From Japanese 大 (hiro) "large, great" or 博 (hiro) "command, esteem" combined with 翔 (to) "soar, fly" or 斗 (to), which refers to the constellation Ursa Major.

HOTAKA   穂高   
From Japanese 穂 (ho) "grain" and 高 (taka) "tall"... [more]

Variant transcription of ICHIROU

ICHIROU   一郎   
From Japanese 一 (ichi) "one" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

ISAMU   勇   
Means "courage, bravery" in Japanese.

ITSUKI   樹   
Means "tree" in Japanese... [more]

Variant transcription of JIROU

JIROU   二郎   
From Japanese 二 (ji) "two" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

Variant transcription of JUROU

JUROU   十郎   
From Japanese 十 (ju) "ten" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

KAEDE   楓   
Means "maple" in Japanese.

KAITO   海斗, 海翔   
From Japanese 海 (kai) "sea, ocean" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to the constellation Ursa Major, or 翔 (to) "soar, fly".

KAORU   薫   
Means "fragrance" in Japanese.

KATASHI   堅   
Means "firm, hard" in Japanese.

KATSU   勝   
Means "victory" in Japanese.

KATSUO   勝雄 
From Japanese 勝 (katsu) "victory" and 雄 (o) "hero, manly".

Variant transcription of KATSUROU

KATSUROU   勝郎   
From Japanese 勝 (katsu) "victory" and 郎 (rou) "son".

KAZUKI   一輝, 和希   
From Japanese 一 (kazu) "one" or 和 (kazu) "harmony" combined with 輝 (ki) "radiance, shine" or 希 (ki) "hope".

KAZUO   一男, 和夫   
From Japanese 一 (kazu) "one" or 和 (kazu) "harmony" combined with 男 (o) "male" or 夫 (o) "husband, man".

KEN (2)   健   
Means "healthy, strong" in Japanese.

KEN'ICHI   健一, 研一   
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong" or 研 (ken) "study" combined with 一 (ichi) "one".

KENJI   研二   
From Japanese 研 (ken) "study" and 二 (ji) "two".

KENSHIN   謙信   
From Japanese 謙 (ken) "modest" and 信 (shin) "truth".

KENTA   健太   
From Japanese 健 (ken) "healthy, strong" and 太 (ta) "thick, big".

Variant transcription of KICHIROU

KICHIROU   吉郎   
From Japanese 吉 (kichi) "good luck" and 郎 (rou) "son".

KIYOSHI   淳   
Means "pure" in Japanese.

KOHAKU   琥珀   
Means "amber" in Japanese.

KOUKI   光希, 幸輝   
From Japanese 光 (kou) "light" or 幸 (kou) "happiness" combined with 希 (ki) "hope" or 輝 (ki) "radiance, shine".

KOUTA   康太   
From Japanese 康 (kou) "peace" and 太 (ta) "thick, big".

Variant transcription of KUROU

KUROU   九郎   
From Japanese 九 (ku) "nine" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

Variant transcription of KYOU

KYOU   協, 京, 郷, 杏   
From Japanese 協 "cooperation", 協 "capital", 郷 "village" or 杏 "apricot".

MAKOTO   誠   
Means "sincerity" in Japanese.

MASARU   勝   
Means "victory" in Japanese.

MICHI   道   
Means "path" in Japanese.

MINORU   実   
Means "truth" in Japanese.

NAOKI   直樹   
From Japanese 直 (nao) "honest, straight" and 樹 (ki) "tree".

NOBORU   翔   
Means "rise, ascend" in Japanese.

NOBU   延   
Means "prolong, stretch" in Japanese.

NOBURU   伸   
Means "expand" in Japanese.

NOBUYUKI   信幸   
From Japanese 信 (nobu) "truth" and 幸 (yuki) "happiness".

NORI   儀   
Means "rule, ceremony" in Japanese.

OSAMU   修   
Means "discipline, study" in Japanese.

REN   蓮, 恋 
From Japanese 蓮 "lotus" or 恋 "romance, love".

RIKU (2)   陸 
Means "land" in Japanese.

RIKUTO   陸斗, 陸人   
From Japanese 陸 (riku) "land" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to the constellation Ursa Major, or 人 (to) "person".

Variant transcription of ROKUROU

ROKUROU   六郎   
From Japanese 六 (roku) "six" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

Variant transcription of RYOU

Variant transcription of RYOUICHI

Variant transcription of RYOUTA

RYOU   涼, 遼, 諒   
From Japanese 涼 "cool, refreshing", 遼 "distant" or 諒 "reality".

RYOUICHI   良一, 亮一   
From Japanese 良 (ryou) "good" or 亮 (ryou) "clear" combined with 一 (ichi) "one".

RYOUTA   涼太, 亮太, 良太   
From Japanese 涼 (ryou) "cool, refreshing", 亮 (ryou) "clear" or 良 (ryou) "good" combined with 太 (ta) "thick, big".

RYUU   龍, 竜   
From Japanese 龍 or 竜 which both mean "dragon".

RYUUNOSUKE   龍之介, 隆之介   
From Japanese 龍 (ryuu) "dragon" or 隆 (ryuu) "noble, prosperous" combined with 之 (no) "of" and 介 (suke) "forerunner, herald".

Variant transcription of SABUROU

SABUROU   三郎   m   
From Japanese 三 (sabu) "three" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

Variant transcription of SHICHIROU

From Japanese 七 (shichi) "seven" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

SHIN   真   
Means "real, true" in Japanese.

Means "endurance" in Japanese.

Variant transcription of the SHIROU

SHIROU   四郎   
From Japanese 四 (shi) "four" and 郎 (rou) "son"... [more]

Variant transcription of SHOU

SHOU   翔 
Means "soar, fly" In Japanese.

SHOUTA   翔太   
From Japanese 翔 (shou) "soar, fly" and 太 (ta) "thick, big".

SORA   空, 昊   
From Japanese 空 or 昊 which both mean "sky".

SOUTA   颯太 
From Japanese 颯 (sou) "suddenly, smoothly" and 太 (ta) "thick, big".

SUSUMU   進   
Means "advance, proceed" in Japanese.

TAICHI   太一   
From Japanese 太 (ta) "thick, big" and 一 (ichi) "one".

TAIKI   大輝   
From Japanese 大 (tai) "large, great" and 輝 (ki) "radiance, shine".

TAKAHIRO   貴大, 孝浩   
From Japanese 貴 (taka) "valuable, noble" or 孝 (taka) "filial piety" combined with 大 (hiro) "large, great" or 浩 (hiro) "prosperous".

TAKASHI   孝, 隆, 崇   
From Japanese 孝 "filial piety", 隆 "noble, prosperous" or 崇 "reverence".

TAKEHIKO   武彦, 竹彦   
From Japanese 武 (take) "military" or 竹 (take) "bamboo" combined with 彦 (hiko) "boy, prince".

TAKESHI   武   
Means "military, warrior" in Japanese.

TAKUMA   拓真   
From Japanese 拓 (taku) "expand, open, pioneer" and 真 (ma) "real, true".

TAKUMI   匠, 巧, 拓海, 拓実   
From Japanese 匠 "artisan" or 巧 "skilled"... [more]

Variant transcription of TAROU

TAROU   太郎   
From Japanese 太 (ta) "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) "son".

TSUBASA   翼   
Means "wing" in Japanese.

YAMATO   大和   
Refers to the ancient Yamato period in Japanese history, which lasted into the 8th century... [more]

YASU   安, 康, 坦   
From Japanese 安 "peaceful", 康 "peace" or 坦 "level".

YORI   頼   
Means "trust" in Japanese.

YOSHI   吉, 義, 良   
From Japanese 吉 "good luck", 義 "righteous", or 良 "good".

Variant transcription of YOSHIROU

YOSHIROU   義郎   
From Japanese 義 (yoshi) "righteous" and 郎 (rou) "son".

YOUTA   陽太   
From Japanese 陽 (you) "sun, sunlight" and 太 (ta) "thick, big".

YUU   優, 悠   
From Japanese 優 "gentleness, superiority" or 悠 "distant, leisurely".

YUUDAI   雄大   
From Japanese 雄 (yuu) "hero, manly" and 大 (dai) "large, great".

YUUKI   優希, 悠希, 優輝, 悠生   
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority" or 悠 (yuu) "distant, leisurely" combined with 希 (ki) "hope", 輝 (ki) "radiance" or 生 (ki) "life".

YUUMA   悠真, 優真   
From Japanese 悠 (yuu) "distant, leisurely" or 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority" combined with 真 (ma) "real, true".

YUUTA   優太, 悠太, 勇太   
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority", 悠 (yuu) "distant, leisurely" or 勇 (yuu) "brave" combined with 太 (ta) "thick, big".

YUUTO   優斗, 悠斗, 悠人, 悠翔, 優翔   
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority" or 悠 (yuu) "distant, leisurely" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to the constellation Ursa Major, or 人 (to) "person" or 翔 (to) "soar, fly".



Женские имена:

AI (1)   愛, 藍   
From Japanese 愛 "love, affection" or 藍 "indigo".

AIKO   愛子 
From Japanese 愛 (ai) "love, affection" and 子 (ko) "child".

AIMI   愛美   
From Japanese 愛 (ai) "love, affection" and 美 (mi) "beautiful".

AINA (3)   愛菜 
From Japanese 愛 (ai) "love, affection" and 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens".

AIRI   愛莉, 愛梨   
From Japanese 愛 (ai) "love, affection" combined with 莉 (ri) "jasmine" or 梨 (ri) "pear".

AKANE   茜   
Means "deep red" in Japanese.

AKEMI   明美 
From Japanese 明 (ake) "bright" and 美 (mi) "beautiful".

AKI (2)   晶, 明, 秋, 亜希 
From Japanese 晶 "sparkle", 明 "bright" or 秋 "autumn"... [more]

AKIKO   晶子, 明子, 秋子 
From Japanese 晶 (aki) "sparkle", 明 (aki) "bright" or 秋 (aki) "autumn" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

AKIRA   昭, 明, 亮   
From Japanese 昭 "bright", 明 "bright" or 亮 "clear".

AMI (3)   亜美   
From Japanese 亜 (a) "second, Asia" and 美 (mi) "beautiful".

AOI   葵, 碧   
From Japanese 葵 "hollyhock, althea" or 碧 "blue".

ASUKA   明日香   
From Japanese 明日 (asu) "tomorrow" and 香 (ka) "smell, perfume".

ATSUKO   温子, 篤子 
From Japanese 温 (atsu) "warm" or 篤 (atsu) "kind, cordial" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

AYA   彩, 綾   
From Japanese 彩 "colour" or 綾 "design".

AYAKA   彩花, 彩華 
From Japanese 彩 (aya) "colour" combined with 花 (ka) "flower" or 華 (ka) "petal".

AYAKO   彩子, 綾子, 絢子   
From Japanese 彩 (aya) "colour", 綾 (aya) "design" or 絢 (aya) "kimono design" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

AYAME   菖蒲   
Means "iris" in Japanese.

AYANE   彩音, 綾音, 絢音   
From Japanese 彩 (aya) "colour", 綾 (aya) "design" or 絢 (aya) "kimono design" combined with 音 (ne) "sound".

AYANO   彩乃, 綾乃 
From Japanese 彩 (aya) "colour" or 綾 (aya) "design" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle.

CHIKA (2)   散花   
From Japanese 散 (chi) "scatter" and 花 (ka) "flower".

CHIKAKO   千香子   
From Japanese 千 (chi) "thousand", 香 (ka) "smell, perfume" and 子 (ko) "child".

CHINATSU   千夏   
From Japanese 千 (chi) "thousand" and 夏 (natsu) "summer".

CHIYO   千代, 千世   
From Japanese 千 (chi) "thousand" combined with 代 (yo) "generations" or 世 (yo) "world".

CHIYOKO   千代子   
From Japanese 千 (chi) "thousand" and 代 (yo) "generations" and 子 (ko) "child".

Variant transcription of CHOU

CHOU   蝶   
Means "butterfly" in Japanese.

CHOUKO   蝶子   
From Japanese 蝶 (chou) "butterfly" and 子 (ko) "child".

EMI   恵美, 絵美   
From Japanese 恵 (e) "blessing, favour" or 絵 (e) "picture" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful".

ETSUKO   悦子   
From Japanese 悦 (etsu) "joy" and 子 (ko) "child".

HANA (3)   花, 華   
From Japanese 花 or 華 which both mean "flower".

HANAKO   花子   
From Japanese 花 (hana) "flower" and 子 (ko) "child".

HARUKA   遥, 春花, 晴香   
From Japanese 遥 "far off, distant"... 

HARUKO   春子, 陽子 
From Japanese 春 (haru) "spring" or 陽 (haru) "sun, sunlight" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

HARUNA   晴菜, 遥菜   
From Japanese 晴 (haru) "clear up" or 遥 (haru) "far off, distant" combined with 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens".

HIKARI   光   
Means "light" in Japanese... [more]

HINA   陽菜, 日菜   
From Japanese 陽 (hi) "sun, sunlight" or 日 (hi) "day, sun" combined with 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens".

HINATA   向日葵, 陽向   
From Japanese 向日葵 "sunflower" or 陽向 "facing the sun"...

HIROKO   寛子, 裕子, 浩子   
From Japanese 寛 (hiro) "tolerant, generous", 裕 (hiro) "abundant" or 浩 (hiro) "prosperous" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

HITOMI   瞳, 智美 
From Japanese 瞳 "pupil of the eye"...

HONOKA   和花   
From Japanese 和 (hono) "harmony" (using an obscure nanori reading) and 花 (ka) "flower"... [more]

HOSHI   星   
Means "star" in Japanese.

HOSHIKO   星子   
From Japanese 星 (hoshi) "star" and 子 (ko) "child".

HOTARU   蛍   
Means "firefly" in Japanese.

IZUMI   泉   
Means "fountain, spring" in Japanese.

JUNKO   順子, 純子   
From Japanese 順 (jun) "obedient" or 純 (jun) "genuine, pure" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

KAEDE   楓   
Means "maple" in Japanese.

KANON   花音   
From Japanese 花 (ka) "flower" and 音 (non) "sound".

KAORI   香, 香織   
From Japanese 香 "smell, perfume, fragrance"... 

KAORU   薫   
Means "fragrance" in Japanese.

KASUMI   霞, 花澄 
From Japanese 霞 "mist"... 

KAZUKO   一子, 和子 
From Japanese 一 (kazu) "one" or 和 (kazu) "harmony" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

KEIKO   慶子, 敬子, 啓子   
From Japanese 慶 (kei) "celebrate", 敬 (kei) "respect" or 啓 (kei) "open" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

KIKU   菊   
Means "chrysanthemum" in Japanese.

KIMIKO   后子, 君子 
From Japanese 后 (kimi) "empress" or 君 (kimi) "senior, noble" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

KIYOKO   清子 
From Japanese 清 (kiyo) "pure, clean" and 子 (ko) "child".

KOHAKU   琥珀   
Means "amber" in Japanese.

KOKORO   心   
Means "heart, spirit" in Japanese... 

KOTONE   琴音 
From Japanese 琴 (koto) "harp, lute" and 音 (ne) "sound".

KUMIKO   久美子   
From Japanese 久 (ku) "long time", 美 (mi) "beautiful" and 子 (ko) "child".

Variant transcription of KYOU

KYOU   協, 京, 郷, 杏   
From Japanese 協 "cooperation", 協 "capital", 郷 "village" or 杏 "apricot".

MAI (2)   舞, 麻衣, 真愛   
From Japanese 舞 "dance" or 麻衣 "linen robe"...

MAKOTO   誠   
Means "sincerity" in Japanese.

MAMI   真美, 麻美 
From Japanese 真 (ma) "real, true" or 麻 (ma) "flax" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful".

MANAMI   愛美, 愛海   
From Japanese 愛 (mana) "love, affection" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful" or 海 (mi) "sea, ocean".

MAO   真央, 真緒, 舞桜   
From Japanese 真 (ma) "real, true" or 舞 (ma) "dance" combined with 央 (o) "center", 緒 (o) "thread" or 桜 (ou) "cherry blossom".

MARIKO   真里子   
From Japanese 真 (ma) "real, true", 里 (ri) "village" and 子 (ko) "child".

MASAMI   成美   
From Japanese 成 (masa) "become" and 美 (mi) "beautiful".

MASUYO   益世   
From Japanese 益 (masu) "benefit" and 世 (yo) "world".

MAYU   真優, 満夕   
From Japanese 真 (ma) "true" or 満 (ma) "full" combined with 優 (yu) "gentleness, superiority" or 夕 (yu) "evening".

MEGUMI   恵   
Means "blessing" in Japanese...

MEI (2)   芽依, 芽生, 芽衣 
From Japanese 芽 (me) "bud, sprout" combined with 依 (i) "reliant", 生 (i) "life" or 衣 (i) "clothing, garment".

MICHI   道   
Means "path" in Japanese.

MICHIKO   美智子   
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful", 智 (chi) "wisdom, intellect" and 子 (ko) "child".

MIDORI   緑   
Means "green" in Japanese.

MIKI   美紀   
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" and 紀 (ki) "chronicle".

MIKU   美空, 美久, 未来   
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" combined with 空 (ku) "sky" or 久 (ku) "long time"... [more]

MINAKO   美奈子 
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful", 奈 (na), a phonetic character, and 子 (ko) "child".

MIO   美桜, 美緒   
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" combined with 桜 (ou) "cherry blossom" or 緒 (o) "thread".

From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" and 咲 (saki) "blossom".

From Japanese 光 (mitsu) "light" and 子 (ko) "child".

MIU   美羽 
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" and 羽 (u) "feather".

MIYAKO   美夜子   
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful", 夜 (ya) "night" and 子 (ko) "child".

MIYU   美優, 美結, 実優   
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" or 実 (mi) "truth" combined with 優 (yu) "gentleness, superiority" or 結 (yu) "tie, bind".

MIZUKI   美月, 瑞希 
From Japanese 美 (mi) "beautiful" and 月 (zuki) "moon"... [more]

MOE (2)   萌 
Means "bud, sprout" in Japanese.

MOMOKA   百花, 桃花, 桃香 
From Japanese 百 (momo) "hundred" or 桃 (momo) "peach tree" combined with 花 (ka) "flower" or 香 (ka) "smell, perfume".

MOMOKO   百子, 桃子   
From Japanese 百 (momo) "hundred" or 桃 (momo) "peach tree" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

MORIKO   森子   
From Japanese 森 (mori) "forest" and 子 (ko) "child".

NANA (2)   菜々, 奈々   
From a duplication of Japanese 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" or 奈 (na), a phonetic character.

NANAMI   七海, 菜々美   
From Japanese 七 (nana) "seven" and 海 (mi) "sea"... 

NAOKO   直子   
From Japanese 直 (nao) "honest, straight" and 子 (ko) "child".

NAOMI (2)   直美   
From Japanese 直 (nao) "honest, straight" and 美 (mi) "beautiful".

NATSUKI   菜月, 夏希 
From Japanese 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" and 月 (tsuki) "moon"...

From Japanese 夏 (natsu) "summer" and 子 (ko) "child".

NATSUMI   夏美, 菜摘   
From Japanese 夏 (natsu) "summer" and 美 (mi) "beautiful"...

NOA (2)   乃愛   
From Japanese 乃 (no), a possessive particle, and 愛 (a) "love, affection".

NORIKO   法子, 典子   
From Japanese 法 (nori) "law, rule" or 典 (nori) "code, ceremony" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

RAN   蘭   
Means "orchid" in Japanese.

REI   鈴, 麗 
From Japanese 鈴 "bell" or 麗 "lovely".

REN   蓮, 恋   
From Japanese 蓮 "lotus" or 恋 "romance, love".

RIKO   莉子, 理子   
From Japanese 莉 (ri) "jasmine" or 理 (ri) "truth" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

RIN   凛   
Means "cold" in Japanese.

RINA (4)   莉奈, 里菜   
From Japanese 莉 (ri) "jasmine" or 里 (ri) "village" combined with 奈 (na), a phonetic character, or 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens".

RIO (2)   莉央, 莉緒, 里桜 
From Japanese 莉 (ri) "jasmine" or 里 (ri) "village" combined with 央 (o) "center", 緒 (o) "thread" or 桜 (ou) "cherry blossom".

SACHIKO   幸子   
From Japanese 幸 (sachi) "happiness" and 子 (ko) "child".

SAKI   咲希   
From Japanese 咲 (sa) "blossom" and 希 (ki) "hope".

SAKURA   桜, 咲良   
From Japanese 桜 "cherry blossom", though it is often written さくら using the hiragana writing system... [more]

From Japanese 桜 (sakura) "cherry blossom" and 子 (ko) "child".

SATOMI   里美, 聡美   
From Japanese 里 (sato) "village" or 聡 (sato) "wise" combined with 美 (mi) "beautiful".

SAYURI   小百合   
From Japanese 小 (sa) "small" and 百合 (yuri) "lily".

From Japanese 節 (setsu) "occasion, period, melody" and 子 (ko) "child".

SHINJU   真珠   
Means "pearl" in Japanese.

SHINOBU   忍   
Means "endurance" in Japanese.

Means "bookmark" in Japanese.

SHIZUKA   静夏, 静香   
From Japanese 静 (shizu) "quiet" combined with 夏 (ka) "summer" or 香 (ka) "smell, perfume".

SHUN (2)   駿   
Means "speed" in Japanese.

SORA   空, 昊   
From Japanese 空 or 昊 which both mean "sky".

SUMIKO   澄子   
From Japanese 澄 (sumi) "clear" and 子 (ko) "child".

SUZU   鈴   
Means "bell" in Japanese.

SUZUME   雀   
Means "sparrow" in Japanese.

TAKAKO   孝子 
From Japanese 孝 (taka) "filial piety" and 子 (ko) "child".

TAKARA   宝   
Means "treasure" in Japanese.

TAMIKO   多美子 
From Japanese 多 (ta) "many", 美 (mi) "beautiful" and 子 (ko) "child".

TOMIKO   富子   
From Japanese 富 (tomi) "wealth, abundance" and 子 (ko) "child".

TOMOKO   智子, 朋子   
From Japanese 智 (tomo) "wisdom, intellect" or 朋 (tomo) "friend" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

TOMOMI   朋美   
From Japanese 朋 (tomo) "friend" and 美 (mi) "beautiful".

TSUBAKI   椿   
Means "camellia flower" in Japanese.

TSUBAME   燕   
Means "swallow (bird)" in Japanese.

TSUKIKO   月子   
From Japanese 月 (tsuki) "moon" and 子 (ko) "child".

UME   梅   
Means "plum" in Japanese... [more]

UMEKO   梅子 
From Japanese 梅 (ume) "plum" and 子 (ko) "child".

WAKANA   和奏   
From Japanese 和 (wa) "harmony" and 奏 (kana) "play music, complete".

YASU   安, 康, 坦   
From Japanese 安 "peaceful", 康 "peace" or 坦 "level".

Variant transcription of YOUKO

YOSHI   吉, 義, 良   
From Japanese 吉 "good luck", 義 "righteous", or 良 "good".

YOSHIKO   良子, 芳子, 悦子   
From Japanese 良 (yoshi) "good", 芳 (yoshi) "fragrant" or 悦 (yoshi) "joy" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

YOUKO   陽子, 洋子   
From Japanese 陽 (you) "sun, sunlight" or 洋 (you) "ocean" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

YUA   結愛   
From Japanese 結 (yu) "tie, bind" and 愛 (a) "love, affection".

YUI   結衣, 優衣, 結   
From Japanese 結 (yu) "tie, bind" or 優 (yu) "gentleness, superiority" combined with 衣 (i) "clothing, garment"... [more]

YUINA   結菜   
From Japanese 結 (yui) "tie, bind" and 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens".

YUKI   幸, 雪, 由貴, 由紀   
From Japanese 幸 "happiness" or 雪 "snow"...

YUKIKO   幸子, 雪子, 由喜子, 由貴子 
From Japanese 幸 (yuki) "happiness" or 雪 (yuki) "snow" combined with 子 (ko) "child"... 

YUKO   優子   
From Japanese 優 (yu) "gentleness, superiority" and 子 (ko) "child".

YUMI   弓, 由美, 友美, 弓美 
From Japanese 弓 "archery bow"...

YUMIKO   由美子, 弓子   
From Japanese 弓 (yumi) "archery bow" or 由 (yu) "reason" with 美 (mi) "beautiful" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

YURI (2)   百合   
Means "lily" in Japanese.

YUU   優, 悠   
From Japanese 優 "gentleness, superiority" or 悠 "distant, leisurely".

YUUKA   優花   
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority" and 花 (ka) "flower".

YUUKI   優希, 悠希, 優輝, 悠生   
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority" or 悠 (yuu) "distant, leisurely" combined with 希 (ki) "hope", 輝 (ki) "radiance" or 生 (ki) "life".

YUUKO   優子, 悠子, 裕子   
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority", 悠 (yuu) "distant, leisurely" or 裕 (yuu) "abundant" combined with 子 (ko) "child".

YUUNA   優菜, 優奈, 柚菜 
From Japanese 優 (yuu) "gentleness, superiority" or 柚 (yuu) "citron" combined with 菜 (na) "vegetables, greens" or 奈 (na), a phonetic character.

YUZUKI   優月   
From Japanese 優 (yu) "gentleness, superiority" and 月 (zuki) "moon".


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